Curatorial Studies

Emidio Ranieri Tomeo

Emidio Tomeo Ranieri

°1995, Italy

Emidio Ranieri Tomeo, Musician and musicologist, co-founder of Centro Indipendente Studi Alta Valle del Volturno (CISAV-APS). I obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Master of Arts in Music at Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen and a bachelor’s degree in Humanities and a master’s degree in Music and Theatre Studies at University Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. As a performer, I have several artistic experiences in Italy and Belgium, both with orchestra formations (symphonic orchestra and wind orchestra) and chamber music ensembles (saxophone quartet, duo, woodwinds ensemble, etc.) amongst which two artistic productions with Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna (TCBO) and a collaboration with Conservatory of Foggia, Rodi Garganico (FG). I am also a member of the Italian Society of Musicology (SIdM). I wrote articles in Ethnomusicology, Anthropology and Music’s fields publishing in scientific journals and monographic books. Through the Studies Centre (CISAV-APS) I am a researcher and writer concerned with territorial inequalities, social art, folk culture and oral history. I am an event planner as well: among the several public events organized, it’s worth recalling the art exhibition Lo studio collese di Ciro Lucariello. L’artista attraverso le opera e gli oggetti del suo quotidiano (27-28th December 2021) held in Colli a Volturno (IS) and dedicated to the late painter Ciro Lucariello, the original festival AttraVerso la Valle. Strade, piazza e paesi da abitare (17-22nd July 2022) and the big festival Tracce di Luce. Alla scoperta di Charles Lucien Moulin, a whole week of events (art residencies, conferences, concerts, art exhibitions) that had its first edition on 4-10th September 2023, obtaining the partnership of the most important Italian broadcast radio, RAI Radio 3.