Curatorial Studies

A Parliament of Lines

Radiant Nights: Weave

03.02.2024, 14:00–20:00

a performance at DeSingel

Practical info

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Radiant Nights: Weave
De Singel, Antwerp

2-9pm: Intervention (Various places)
6-8pm: Activation (Muziekstudio)

A Parliament of Lines is a co-created proposal that delves into the act of weaving understood as a constellation of gestures whether visible or not. How to find a common ground? How to make room for conversation in a pre-defined environment? How to build bridges between disciplines? Perhaps the answer to these questions resides in what Tim Ingold describes as a "parliament of lines": "a tying together of the lines – the paths of growth and movements – of all the many constituents gathered there"*.

Our proposal relies on two movements echoing each other. On one hand, a series of texts inhabits the walls of the building, all connected by a discontinuous thread. Would it be a poem, a story, a piece of theory, they act as an open invitation to collect the fragments of a shared embodiment. On the other hand, the Muziekstudio is transformed into a space where time is on hold. At the rhythm of a shuttle moving back and forth, a collective body takes shape, becoming the moving receiver of a projected pattern.

A Parliament of Lines is an intersection of voices, an ongoing process, an open door.

A collaboration between MA Dance (Royal Conservatoire Antwerp) and Curatorial Studies (KASK & Conservatorium) in the frame of the Embodied Curating masterclass.

A proposal by Gloria Bee, Ella-My Blomdahl, Tim Bogaerts, Giulia Bonfiglio, Emma Dieltiens, Sarah Ernst, Natacha Hüfken, Beno Novak, Stali Symeon and Wanda Zuniga Perez (MA Dance), İpek Aytekin, Max Ferguson, Martina Lattuca, Manon Laverdure, Karel Op't Eynde, Emidio Ranieri Tomeo, Paula Swinnen, Camille Van Meenen and Lisa Verhaeghe (CS)

Coordination: Laura Herman and Isabel Van Bos (CS), Michiel Vandevelde (MA Dance), Yann Chateigné Tytelman (curatorial guidance)

Many thanks to:
Shamisa Debroey
Jenneke Slaets, Iris Terclaevers and Annouk Van Moorsel
Wasim Assasa, Fleur Devlieger, Sumalin Gijsbrechts, Ionita Grigore, Ilse Muysers, Jakke Theyssens and Geert Van Impe

*Tim Ingold. Lines: A Brief History. p. 5. London and New York: Routledge. 2007.