Curatorial Study Trip
From 28 to 31 March Curatorial Studies organised a study trip to Berlin. We kicked off our trip with a visit to the exhibition "Sandra Mujinga. IBMSWR: I Build My Skin With Rocks" at Hamburger Bahnhof with Curator Daniel Milnes. Later, we met up with Curator and CS-alumna Patricia Couvet at Pickle Bar and Slavs and Tatars Residency.
The following day was dedicated to Inti’s Museums and Collections course. We visited the collections of the Ethnologisches Museum and Museum für Asiatische Kunst of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin at Humboldt Forum. The museums offer a diverse view of past and present cultures of Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania, featuring around 20,000 exhibits on 16,000 square meters. The curators were given an assignment to reflect on the context and educational tools used in relation to the Throne of King Njoya, Bamoun, Cameroon. Later, we visited the exhibition "Monica Bonvicini: I do You" at Neue Nationalgalerie, featuring the work of artist Monica Bonvicini and two large architectural installations developed specifically for the Ludwig Mies van der Rohe building. We also visited several galleries, including Barbara Wien, Future Gallery, and Nome Gallery.
On Thursday, we met with Assistant Curator Leonie Schmiese and visited the exhibition "Daniel Boyd: RAINBOW SERPENT (VERSION)" at Gropius Bau, the most comprehensive display of Boyd’s artistic practice in Europe to date. Afterwards, we met with Artistic Director Fabian Schöneich at CCA Berlin, a new institution dedicated to contemporary artistic practices. At KW Institute for Contemporary Art, we met with Assistant Curator Sofie Krogh Christensen to visit the exhibition "Martin Wong - Malicious Mischief," the first extensive European exhibition of the work of US-Chinese artist Martin Wong.
Finally, on Friday, we concluded with a group discussion about the various curatorial approaches we had witnessed throughout the week at the Julia Stoschek Foundation. Here, we explored the exhibition Ulysses Jenkins: Without Your Interpretation, the first major retrospective of the work of groundbreaking video and performance artist Ulysses Jenkins. Our last stop was at the Schinkel Pavilion to meet with Director Teresa Min and view the group exhibition "Human Is," which takes its title from the eponymous science-fiction short story by Philip K. Dick from 1955.