Location: Het Paviljoen, Louis Pasteurlaan 2, 9000 Ghent
Date: February 22nd, 2024
Time: 18:00
You are warmly invited to the opening of Jumping Fences at Het Paviljoen in Ghent, scheduled for Thursday, February 22nd. The event is curated by CS participants Manon Laverdure, Ismini Kyritsis, Karel Op ‘t Eynde, Lisa Verhaeghe, Hugo Roger, Camille Van Meenen, Paula Swinnen, Justine McKenna, and Sina Eden.
Jumping Fences presents the works of artist Paola Siri Renard for its inaugural exhibition, which is part of a larger series of rotating exhibitions and happenings featuring artists and designers Jan Vandeplancke, Céleste Buyle, Quinten Vermeulen, Lore Janssens, Haron Barashed, Yawen Fu, Sjoerd Beijers, and Seppe-Hazel Laeremans, all of whom experiment with the boundaries between artistic practices and research.
Today, artists are often expected to embody multiple roles. A contemporary, cross-disciplinary approach to creation has equipped emerging artists and designers with new means to explore their agency. Jumping Fences raises questions about the traditional separation between artistic disciplines. Is such detachment still necessary? How do contemporary artists and designers perceive and engage with this concept, and how does it impact their creative process?
Paola Siri Renard invites us to explore the history of Bijloke as a hospital, particularly focusing on Het Paviljoen's function as a waiting room for expectant individuals. Her work draws inspiration from David Cronenberg’s ‘tools to operate on mutant Women’ designed for the movie Dead Ringers, which were referred to as and used by gynecologists assisting individuals in conceiving. Through her micro-architectures interventions, Paola Siri Renard guides us through the past, present, and future of this site.