Jumping Fences
By CS-Curators: Sina Eden, Karel Op ’t Eynde, Ismini Kyritsis, Manon Laverdure, Camille Van Meenen, Justine McKenna, Hugo Roger, Paula Swinnen, Lisa Verhaeghe - Opening 3th of May
Vleeshal Middelburg

Jumping Fences at Vleeshal
Group exhibition
28 April – 19 May 2024
Opening 3th of May (Bus)
At the invitation of Vleeshal, Jumping Fences, a Curatorial studies exhibition project focusing on artistic development and collective curatorship, is coming to Middelburg.
With artists Haron Barashed, Sjoerd Beijers, Céleste Buyle, Yawen Fu, Lore Janssens, Seppe-Hazel Laeremans, Jan Vandeplancke, Quinten Vermeulen
Curated by Sina Eden, Karel Op ’t Eynde, Ismini Kyritsis, Manon Laverdure, Camille Van Meenen, Justine McKenna, Hugo Roger, Paula Swinnen, Lisa Verhaeghe
Curatorial Studies & Vleeshal cordially invites you to the opening on Friday, May 3, 2024, from 7 to 9 pm. The Vleeshal bus drives from Ghent via Rotterdam to Middelburg (and back): Please email office@vleeshal.nl to reserve your ticket(s). After the opening, you can stay for our afterparty, which starts at 9 pm at Vleeshal.
Jumping Fences is an evolving exhibition project that takes place at Het Paviljoen in Ghent in collaboration with students of KASK Curatorial Studies. For this exhibition, a group of artists, designers and young curators work together in dialogue with each other to experiment with artistic and exhibition frameworks. In February 2024, Jumping Fences opened at Het Paviljoen and since then, each month has featured a different artist or designer responding to the work of the previous person. This creates a series of interventions. By connecting artists and designers with curators, they are invited to explore the boundaries between their practices.
Roos Gortzak, director and curator of Vleeshal, was invited by Laura Herman, lecturer at KASK in Ghent, to share a "keyword" from her practice as a curator with the students from Curatorial Studies. Gortzak chose the word "hope" and presented work by Rory Pilgrim, Mounira Al Solh, Egle Budvytyte, and Marija Olsauskaite after which she entered into the conversation about the various associations and questions that arise with "hope”. Following this, the students talked about their exhibition project Jumping Fences, and Gortzak was so enthusiastic about its common ground with the Vleeshal program which focuses on experimentation and the unknown that she invited them to turn 'jumping fences' into 'jumping borders' and continue the exhibition at Vleeshal. Where normally two artists or designers interact, there is room in Vleeshal to bring all Jumping Fences participants together. Instead of 2 pearls, the whole chain can be shown here.
Jumping Fences features work by Céleste Buyle, Quinten Vermeulen, Jan Vandeplancke, Lore Janssens, Haron Barashed, Yawen Fu, Sjoerd Beijers, and Seppe-Hazel Laeremans and is a continuation of the fluid exhibition project at Het Paviljoen. At Vleeshal, several works will come together and hint at what was on view at Het Paviljoen and what is still to come.
The Vleeshal bus drives from Ghent via Rotterdam to Middelburg (and back):
6 pm Departure Ghent (front office KASK)
7 pm Arrival Vleeshal, Middelburg
10 pm Departure Vleeshal, Middelburg
11 pm Arrival Ghent
Tickets for the Vleeshal bus
One-way ticket: € 10
Return ticket: € 15