Curatorial Studies

Collective Dinner


Kunsthal Gent

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Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains pre­sents an exten­si­ve public pro­gram­me at Kunst­hal Gent bet­ween 31st of May and 30th of June. On this day, Cura­to­ri­al Stu­dies invi­te you to talk about their col­lec­ti­ve cura­to­ri­al expe­rien­ce whi­le coo­king and sha­ring a home­ma­de meal.

Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains is a col­lec­ti­ve­ly cura­ted gra­du­a­ti­on show that is part of the pro­gram­me of Cura­to­ri­al Stu­dies at KASK & Con­ser­va­to­ri­um in Ghent. This year’s par­ti­ci­pants invi­te you to con­ver­se about col­lec­ti­ve cura­to­ri­al expe­rien­ces over a sha­red home­ma­de meal. As a self-reflec­ti­ve gestu­re, situ­a­ted within an exhi­bi­ti­on about the com­plexi­ties of com­mu­nal agen­cy and col­lec­ti­ve iden­ti­ty, the cura­to­ri­al stu­dents hope to bring for­ward their per­so­nal and sha­red expe­rien­ces from this tem­po­ra­ry col­lec­ti­ve cura­tor­ship and enga­ge in a con­ver­sa­ti­on with tho­se who join the coo­king ses­si­on or the din­ner table.


16:00 — 18:00 coo­king session
18:00 — 21:00 eating & talking


In order to wel­co­me you in the best pos­si­ble con­di­ti­ons, we will do our utmost best to make the events pleasant and as acces­si­ble as pos­si­ble. All of our events are orga­ni­sed in a relaxed man­ner — you can come and go whe­ne­ver you like. Howe­ver, scree­nings will start on time.

Kunst­hal Gent is wheel­chair acces­si­ble via the entran­ce ramp, but the first floor is only rea­cha­ble by stairs. A video of the upstairs exhi­bi­ti­on can be vie­wed on the ground floor. If you would like to com­mu­ni­ca­te any spe­ci­fic needs or would like to report unac­cep­ta­ble beha­vi­our, plea­se con­tact us atcura­to­ri­alstudies.​2024@​gmail.​com or call +32477588935 (Pau­la).
