Curatorial Studies

Collective Reading in Moment

Guided Tour

29.06.2024, 15:00

Kunsthal Gent

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Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains pre­sents an exten­si­ve public pro­gram­me at Kunst­hal Gent bet­ween 31st of May and 30th of June. All the eve­nts are orga­ni­sed in a relaxed man­ner — feel free to come and go as you like in your own time. Sep­pe-Hazel Lae­re­mans orga­ni­ses a col­lec­ti­ve rea­ding per­for­man­ce and a wal­king tour bet­ween Kunst­hal Gent and Het Paviljoen.
Open: 15:00 - 18:00

Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains makes a brid­ge to ano­ther cul­tu­ral island in Ghent. Sep­pe-Hazel Lae­re­mans orga­ni­ses a col­lec­ti­ve rea­ding at the exhi­bi­ti­on in Kunst­hal Gent and a col­lec­ti­ve gathering at the expe­ri­men­tal art spa­ce Het Pavil­joen. They invi­te you along on a wal­king tour from one spa­ce to another.

The after­noon will start by gathering in the exhi­bi­ti­on Grains of Sand Like Moun­tains whe­re a col­lec­ti­ve rea­ding will hap­pen, hosted by Lae­re­mans. This per­for­man­ce will seep into a wal­king tour, and the event will end at Het Pavil­joen with a moment for afterthoughts on the grass of the Bij­lo­ke site. Sep­pe-Hazel Lae­re­mans is one of the resi­dents of the pro­ject Jum­ping Fen­ces in Het Paviljoen.

The pic­nic will pro­vi­de vegan-friend­ly snacks and drinks. The wal­king tour from Kunst­hal Gent to Het Pavil­joen will last around 30 minu­tes. Sign-up form to fol­low.

Seppe-Hazel Laeremans

Sep­pe-Hazel Lae­re­mans (b. 2000) is a Bel­gi­an grap­hic desig­ner, artist, wri­ter and edi­tor cur­rent­ly based bet­ween Por­to and Ghent. Their work has been fea­tu­red in De Verf­fa­briek (Ghent), Pro­ject­vie­ren­ne­gen­tig (Ostend), EKA GD Stand-in School (Ber­lin) and Biki­ni Books (Por­to). Sep­pe-Hazel is cur­rent­ly one of the resi­dents of Jum­ping Fen­ces in Het Pavil­joen, Ghent.
