Condition Report
Vandenhove Center
CONDITION REPORT is a group exhibition that brings together a selection of pieces from the Jeanne and Charles Vandenhove Collection with the works of invited artists. It is an attempt to reactivate the collection, reinterpreting its meaning and revisiting its logic. The studio in the
VANDENHOVE Center becomes the setting for these dialectic approaches of both established and emerging artists.
CONDITION REPORT alludes to the intermediate phase between storage and exposure. The report is a tool to record the state of an object after coming out of the depot; a pause before exhibiting a piece of art to the public. The Curatorial Studies class of 2019-2020 unwraps itself for the first time to the exterior world with this collective project.
Group show with a list of works selected by the CS 2019-2020 participants in dialogue with artists outside the collection.
Works by Nel Aerts, Samuel Arnaud & Lou Touchard, Miguel Ortiz Berrocal, Dara Birnbaum, Christian Boltanski, Pierre Caille, Louis Cane, César, Christo, Daniel Dezeuze, Reinhard Doubrawa, Nan Goldin, Ana-Maria Gomez, Maud Gourdon, Jenny Holzer, Anja Jelovšek, Koo Jeong-A, Thibo Kennivé, Peter Klasen, Camille Le Meur, Claude Lévêque, Otto Logo, Céline Mathieu, Museums of Belgium, Emma Onghena, Ria Pacquée, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Juan Pablo Plazas, Sophie Ristelhueber, Michael Ross, Félix Roulin, Meggy Rustamova, Maxim Ryckaerts, Richard Serra, Andres Serrano, Clara Spilliaert, Arthur Spronken, Jan Vercruysse, Claude Viseux, Berno Werth.
Curated by Camille Bladt, Timon Bloemen, Patricia Couvet, Jef Declercq, Sofie Dierickx, Juan Duque, Sofia Lemos Marques, Leroy Meyer, Koi Persyn, Zuzanna Rachowska, Yannis Stefanou, Ella Strowel, Vincent Van Laeken, Margo Veeckman.
Partners: CONDITION REPORT was developed within the seminar "Making Things Public", taught by Wouter Davidts as part of Curatorial Studies, a partnership between KASK-School of Arts, Ghent University, S.M.A.K., Kunsthal Gent.